About Us
Pozzani Pure Water plc is one of the UKs largest and most established providers of plumbed in water filter systems and replacement cartridges.
Over the past 20 years Pozzani have pioneered development in the growing market of plumbed in systems - these are systems which connect to your mains supply and filter water on demand, as opposed to a filter jug where it requires filling on each occasion. Pozzani have always believed that this method of water filtrations is most practical for most applications and suprisingly more cost effective, since cartridges last longer than smaller jug filters and the cost per litre produced is upto 200 times less than that of bottled water!
Through a successful range of products in this sector, which have been continously developed into todays range we have developed a very good understanding of the UK market, and have a wide range of other products which are designed to meet these demands. These range from water coolers for domestic and office use, water softeners units to combat limescale, dechlorination systems and an expanding range of cartridges designed to fit both our own and other manufacturers products.
We are a bright an innovative company, placing emphasis on providing the right product at the right price BUT without cutting corners in customer service or quality. We operate a full warehousing and assembly plant in Lincolnshire, and have full time telephone operators, technical support and despatch staff - ensuring all questions, enquiries and orders are processed both quickly and accurately.